Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eeeeewwww! Natural Roach Control

I live in South Florida. They call them "palmettto bugs" to make themselves feel better. But they are roaches. Awful. Yucky. Skittery. OH DEAR GOD IT IS HUGE roaches. They suck. And they come out in record amounts in the summer months. When I lived in apartments I never had roach problems, because I was never on the first floor and because most landlords down here have a contract with a pest control service.

We rent a house from a private owner. He does not have a pest control contract. Our backyard is beautiful. Full of tropical plants like a jungle but with better landscaping. We love it. But... OMG BUGGGGGGGGS!!!!

Here is what I have found that works. Bay leaves. No, I am not kidding. Bay leaves. But you gotta buy them from either a big box store like BJ's or order them in bulk online. Their effectiveness lasts about 3 months, then you have to sweep them out and replace them with fresh ones. But while they are there, the Palmetto Bugs (aka Big A** roaches) will NOT be there. If you buy your spices from the grocery store, just contract an insecticide service, because you will pay more for the bay leaves than you will for the service. But if you buy in bulk, not only are you not adding poison to your house you are saving $ as well.

The more you know.... (rainbow graphic here...) Ding.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT idea. Mississippi has no shortage of roaches, either. I'm gonna start calling them Palmetto bugs, sounds nicer palm + meadow. Do you think it will work for those little tiny roaches that live anywhere there is water in this, um, I mean, some of my friends houses?
    Ps: Chicken's consider them a delacacy, so they cut down on the number of those outside that live to make it inside. If I could just learn how to litterbox train a chicken....


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