Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to Give Back When You Ain't Got Nuthin' Much To Give

This is really only for you true SAHMs out there. If you have a job where appearances count, or if you are really concerned about your appearance this is not advice for you. 

However, if you are confident in who you are, and how you want to affect the world, this is right up your alley.

Donate your hair. Seriously. I started doing this when I had my first baby. Hormones make your hair grow fast and thick. Once you get ten inches you can donate your hair to Locks of Love. Children who have lost their hair due to any medical diagnosis (mainly alopecia, but from other reasons as well) will get a real hair wig made from your hair. It takes about a year to grow 12 inches. People generally grow one inch per month. But due to breakage it will take you about a year to accrue enough hair to donate. 

Like I said: we don't have extra money to donate to causes. But I can grow hair. And I stay at home and don't have a dress code. It makes me happy to think that a child has nice hair because I have been patient enough to donate. Whenever I shampoo or condition my hair I think I am doing it not just for me, but for someone else who will really appreciate nice, silky smooth hair. 

Whatever you believe, whomever is your god, it is good to contribute to the self esteem of a sick child. 

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