Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome to SAHM Spot, ths Spot for Stay at Home Moms

I finished graduate school two years ago just as the bottom was dropping out of both the economy and the job market. I had an 18th month old and was pregnant with my second. The wages I could get for the jobs available would just about cover parking and day care

I had always blanched at the thought of handing my infants over to another person to raise, and wanted to stay home with my kids until they reached kindergarten age. I feel strongly that the things that shape a child's initial personality and values are learned before a child even learns to talk and I wanted to make sure my little ducklings imprinted on a parent. So since my husband is employed full time we agreed I would be that parent and would stay at home with the kids.

We have had to tighten our belts. Living on one salary with two babies is rough going. But with adjustments and sacrifice we are surviving. I am writing this for people like us. My husband is a teacher. He doesn't pull in 6 figures. We live in a suburb of Miami and the cost of living is high. Milk is over $4 a gallon and bread is not much less than that a loaf. 

I want to share what I have learned. And provide a spot where others can share what they have learned as well. Together we can circulate frugal recipes, shopping tips, and a place to commiserate while prices continue to rise while our income remains the same. 

If we all pull together we can make it through this rough ride and make fun, happy memories for our children at the same time. 

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